Thursday, April 19, 2012


A breath of relief came in the form of a letter from the Tennessee State Bar Association this week when I got news that I had passed the bar exam.  Or rather, this bar exam.  I doubt I'm the most licensed / least employed lawyer out there, but I am sure I could get into a club for such folks.  I hope there is no club, though.  Because it would be depressing and also would probably cost money, and that's something that we just don't have a lot of.

I can admit that lawyering is not my sole ambition.  In part, I can admit this because it is really obvious and is a hard truth to avoid.  And in part because my husband is perfectly okay with it, and he's the only one I feel sheepish about knowing this.  When we got married, back in 1796, we both envisioned a dual-career situation and we invested heavily in education for both of our careers.  Now the mister has done everything according to plan and is a Wunderkind professor, while I was employed fulltime after law school for less than two years, and now just keep taking bar exams as a smoke-and-mirrors gesture to act like I really will be a lawyer one day.  But setting aside the time, money, and energy - three things we are always a bit low on at the moment - to take the bar this time around got me to a place where I see using my JD in my future.

Right now, though, I'm glad to put this in my back pocket for the time being and get back to pinterest-ing my future baby's nursery.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose there is a time and place for everything. Pinning on pinterest is ok for now. No, more than ok.
