Friday, May 18, 2012

A two year old's gems

"And then, mama...."

I used to keep some kind of track of Edie's monthly development, noting what she was into, what she'd learned, and things like that.  Well, I haven't done that for many-a month these days, but the nostalgia for my disappearing baby is growing with a new baby on the horizon.  Since talking is what defines her waking hours (where in the world did she get that?) I thought I'd commit to memory some of her latest comedic gems.

1. Cash for Pets.  Edie likes to baby-talk the dogs, especially the little one.  A couple weeks ago I overheard her saying the usual, but with a new twist: "Oh, Sugar. I yove you. Oh, gimme hugs and kisses, Sugar. Oh, Sugar. Do you want some money?" Erm.  Don't give that dog our money, please.

2.  Ruminations on a Father.  Edie and I were in the car to go get her dad from the airport.  We hadn't seen him in several days, so she was pondering him aloud.  "Dad is a good man.  He helps his friends. ... He LOVES food."  In a nutshell, she captured why we love that guy.

3.  Baby Sister is Watching.  Edie keeps track of all people in her sight line.  She routinely approaches strangers, points at their nearby faces, and asks me loudly, "What that guy doin'?"  Yesterday, we were at a grocery store, where she saw a woman, whom she mistook for a man, wearing a bandana on her head.  Edie: "What's that dada got on his head?"  Me (not wanting to draw attention to her gender mis-attribution): "Umm, dunno... *mumble*"  Edie: "Aaaaaaaa PIRATE!!"

4.  Telling it like it is.  A few weeks ago we went to Denver to visit my sister and her family.  On morning we flew home, we stopped at a Starbucks for breakfast where Edie ate too fast (no thanks to me) and ultimately threw up. A lot. After a hurried change in the coffee shop bathroom, a subsequent mad dash not to miss our flight, we finally sat down in our seats where a nice older man shared our row.  "Hello, little one! How are you?" says the nice man.  E (dead pan):  "I vomited. At Starbucks. *pause* A coffee shop." Me: "She's right.  She did vomit at a Starbucks."  Nice man: [returns to Sky Mall].

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