Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On Borrowed Time

The baby started to stir, and so I braced myself for his hostile takeover of my existence, but he inexplicably fell back asleep. Yet dinner has been prepped, I've worked out, I changed out of my flannel pants (questionable whether this is progress or regress), and have positioned the double stroller in the ready-to-go position once he awakens so we can go get big sis from school.  It's 2:30 pm and I am reveling in some sweet, sweet borrowed time.

Dad's annual poinsettia arrived.  Big smiles ensued.

Staying on theme, here's some other sweet, sweet stuff.

Last night, I went out with an old friend.  Not only was it great to see her, but she let me vent about why I really love vampires, but really really don't like Twilight.  Like, she let me talk about it for verging on half an hour.  Also, it made me think about the time in college that she and I went to a psychic for no other reason than we drove past a psychic.  Oh, to be 18 and in the company of someone great enough that you can dabble momentarily in the black arts without risking any judgment.  Shout out to Suze D!

Edie, as always, is into imitating everything I do.  Since I spend a lot of time cleaning, she's interested in cleaning as well.  But, she's also a free-thinking little lady, and if I get too pumped, she will put down the child-sized Swiffer forever.  It's a careful mix of encouragement and nonchalance, plus a genius selection of a task suited perfectly for her 3 foot frame.  So, I don't want to jinx anything, but I am on the verge of getting her to be decent at cleaning base boards.Yyyyyessssss.

The house is getting all holiday-spirit-y.  Not in a haunted way.  Just that we've decorated it. And I've had time to get crafty lately.  I've made yarn wreaths, felt rosettes,  and I just ordered some chalkboard contact paper.  It's enough to make Pinterest itself gag.  But it's good clean fun.

I went to a mall yesterday, Eli in tow.  And he didn't have a meltdown.  AND I got some jeans that fit, for 50% off their manufacturer's suggested retail price no less.  I did a little bit tear off part of my finger while over-zealously shutting an umbrella.  BUT, I had baby wipes to sop up my blood and a nice lady at Bath and Body Works gave me an excellent band aid.  Slam. Dunk.

Then there is the weather.  Not everyone is happy. And I get it.  It is borderline eery warm outside.  Like, mosquitoes tricked out of hibernation warm.  But. It's in the 60s and 70s.  Let's set aside notions of "should" and just agree that this is the best temperature range one could ever be in.  It is December and yet I am taking hour-long walks with the kids and dogs, everyone taking in fresh air without having to wrap oneself up in Thinsulate or slather balm on the babies' faces lest their skin get chapped.  It is phenomenal. 

Geez. I am so chipper, I might even go pet my dogs.

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