Monday, December 26, 2011

A non-exhaustive list of things that have enraged my toddler. This week.

Almost 2 year olds are ticking time bombs of very loud, tear-soaked fits of enraged frustration. Redirection is definitely the way to go, but I defy anyone with a ... ahem ... spirited child to keep up with the diverse and numerous ways a toddler gets mad. For example, the following have all ended in a tomato-faced, fist-pumping, screeching little girl and a blinking, tired mom.

1. Me not wearing my socks with the owls on them.
2. Her owl socks being dirty and not at that moment wearable.
3. My absurd no-unlimited-cookies-whenever-you-want rule.
4. Me declining to give her my, her father's, and her own fork after the end of dinner so that she could try to eat with all three at once.
5. The following request: "please don't stick your hands in the [public restroom] toilet." (*quiet gag and loud sigh*)
6.  And, each time I refuse to allow her  Yes. That's right. Drive our car.

1 comment:

  1. 2. Her owl socks being dirty and not at that moment wearable.--or black patent leather shoes.
